Atlanta, Ga. 11/29/2007 4:50:55 AM
News / Law

Search for Lauren Barnes Shifts to Recovery as Hope Fades

The search for Lauren Barnes, a 20-year-old pregnant woman from Bethany, Oklahoma, has shifted as police now believe that hope for finding her alive has diminished.


Nearly 200 people gathered to search for Barnes, who vanished on Friday night after leaving her mother’s house to meet a man who may have been the baby’s father. Barnes never arrived home and on Saturday her mother reported her missing.


Police found her car on Sunday at Eldon Lyon Park.


The search for Lauren Barnes was called off on Wednesday as Neal Troutman, Bethany’s police chief, said it was time to start having investigators track down leads.


Barnes takes a prescription blood thinner that she did not have with her when she left on Friday evening.


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