Upon entering an addiction treatment center, a patient will most likely be given a physical and psychological assessment. The physical assessment will let the staff know if the patient is still in the detoxification and/or withdrawal phase, or if they have begun one of those stages. Depending on the findings of the physical assessment, medical attention will be given if needed, and/or the patient will begin the detoxification/ withdrawal phase if this has not already occurred.
Next will be the psychological assessment. This will determine the patient’s current mental status (calm, agitated, accepting, resentful, etc.) and also if there are underlying mental health issues, such as paranoia, depression, or bipolar disorder. All of these can affect how well the addiction treatment process will work.
The patient will then be classified as in-patient or out-patient. If the patient is classified as an in-patient, he or she will remain at the addiction treatment center, without leaving, for a specific period of time before being transitioned to out-patient status. If the patient is classified as an out-patient at the very beginning of the addiction treatment program, then steps will be taken to schedule appointments around the patient’s work or school schedule.
A reputable addiction treatment center will not mind asking questions about their procedures. For information on a specific treatment center in your state, please go to http://www.addictiontreatment.net/ or call 1-800-559-9503.