Tucson 12/4/2007 4:10:35 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Maryland health officials coercing vaccinations qualify as 'terrorists' under new senate legislation: Newstarget.com

As previously reported on Newstarget.com, the U.S. Senate is about to vote on a bill that would criminalize the "planned use of force" to promote a political, religious or social belief. While we strongly disagree with the passage of the law, one curious effect is that it would clearly qualify Maryland's Attorney General Glenn Ivey -- the man who has threatened Maryland parents with imprisonment if they don't get their children vaccinated -- as a terrorist.

With the help of two state judges and the head of the local school board, Glenn Ivey conspired to terrorize parents with threats of having them taken from their homes at gunpoint (being arrested) and forcibly separated from their families by throwing them in jail for up to 30 days if they refused to have their children vaccinated with drugs that contain the toxic heavy metal mercury. There is absolutely no question that under the new legislation that's about to pass the Senate, called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, Glenn Ivey's actions would qualify as acts of terrorism. (See our previous report on this topic at http://www.newstarget.com/022308.html)


Even more interestingly, Glenn Ivey merely thinking about threatening parents who don't get their children vaccinated would, all by itself, be considered a terrorist "thoughtcrime" act.


The conclusion of this article appears on NewsTarget.com, the independent natural health news source for consumers. This article, along with other related articles and uncensored news on important consumer health topics, can be found at:


Maryland Health Officials Who Coerce Vaccinations Qualify as "Terrorists" Under New Senate Legislation



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