Atlanta, Ga. 12/4/2007 5:51:42 AM
News / Law

MySpace Suicide Won’t Lead to Criminal Charges

St. Charles County prosecutor Jack Banas has said that no criminal charges will be filed against two adults who sent derogatory messages to a 13-year-old girl’s MySpace profile that may have been a contributing factor in her decision to commit suicide.


Banas said that he could find no applicable statute that would allow him to file charges. The County prosecutor said there was no evidence of repeated incidents involving harassment, child endangerment and stalking relating to a threat to life.


Megan Meier hanged herself last year after she became distraught reading negative messages about her on her MySpace profile. It was later discovered that the individual sending the messages had created a fake profile and pretended to express an interest in Meier before attacking her.


Banas has said that it was an 18-year-old who created the fake profile but the prosecutor has been unable to speak with the teenager who has been hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.


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