Los Angeles 12/7/2007 4:16:57 AM
News / Education

Another Mall Shooting: Crime 9, the People, 0.

Another gun ban stakes out its territory as a Victim Disarmament Zone.

Author and Columnist John Longenecker clarifies an interesting view of how shooters in public areas prevail. And how citizens can prevail. Whoever's coaching Malls to prohibit handguns is handing out some very bad advice.

The key is to take a serious-minded approach to fighting crime. That blunt but clear approach is detailed in Longenecker's latest edition of Good For The Country at www.goodforthecountry.com 

Consider the dynamics:

"You don't fight crime after-the-fact, when the shooter is long finished. It's too expensive a political gameplan to frustrate and vex armed citizens from self-defense wherever they have a right to be," says Longenecker. "You can chase crime after it's over and you might even catch it, but you can't say you're fighting crime long after it's finished killing people and had its way. It's just too late by then."

It's time for public places such as malls, airports, schools, workplace and public buildings to understand that the armed citizen is an immense, untapped resource in fighting crime. It is an untapped resource on-scene and in legal authority many Americans don't realize they have.

Catch Longenecker's straightforward analysis at www.goodforthecountry.com