Small Banks Often A Creative Resource For SBA Loans
SBA Loan Broker Craig G. Francis Interviewed By David Kamatoy
San Diego, CA - David Kamatoy recently interviewed SBA and Commercial Loan Broker Craig G. Francis about the role of small banks in business lending. With over 30 years of experience in the lending industry, Craig G. Francis has helped fund over a billion dollars in loans from both large and small banks, giving him a unique perspective. The interview is available on
"Generally, when business owners look for a loan they go first to their own bank," says David Kamatoy. "I know that small boutique banks often have to ability to be very creative in their loans. I wanted to get Craig G. Francis's thoughts on this situation, since he has worked with over two thousand businesses seeking funding."
A large bank, although it frequently has lower rates, generally has stricter requirements than smaller banks.
Currently lending has been down at all levels, but often business owners make the mistake of giving up after the first denial. A large bank, although it frequently has lower rates, generally has stricter requirements than smaller banks. Craig G. Francis explains that the situation is made more difficult because most small business owners don't have the time to research banks other than the one they have their accounts with. "Since there are no sign posts or firm guidelines as to which bank will make the loan vitally needed by the business, the search must be done in a piecemeal basis," says Francis.
According to Craig G. Francis, one continuing difficulty in the lending industry is the intense scruitiny of banks by the FDIC and other federal regulators. He point out that banks have tightened their guidelines, and they are looking farther into the future for possible risks. "Underwriting continues to tighten, and banks make each loan with an eye to whether their decision will be criticized by the FDIC."
David Kamatoy and Craig G. Francis also discuss Francis's role in the lending process and why working with a loan expert can be beneficial to business owners.
Craig G. Francis is the owner of Francis Financial and The SBA Loan Store. He has been a top producer of SBA Loans since 1981, and has worked with Dun & Bradstreet and Bank of Commerce. Craig Francis has the expertise to steer clients through the often confusing rules and regulations associated with SBA Loans, having helped over 2,000 businesses acquire over a billion dollars in loans. He can be contacted through, SBALoanStore.comor at 888-666-9722.
David Kamatoy is an entrepreneur, entertainer, business developer, and co-founder of Kamatoy Media Group, a Social Media and Internet Marketing company that is serving entrepreneurs and small business owners. For press queries please contact or call 619-573-9456.
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