Atlanta, GA 12/11/2007 12:38:15 AM
News / Law

Rachael Gandal shot to death in Las Vegas

Rachael Gandal, 28, of Syracuse was murdered in Las Vegas Thursday night. Gandal’s body was found in a car in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven convenience store with four gunshot wounds to the chest.

Police are still searching for Gandal’s killer. Gandal, a 1997 graduate of Henninger High School, was an aspiring actress and model. She left behind an 8-year-old daughter.


“I don’t know anybody that didn’t love Rachel. She was a firecracker. She had an unbelievable head for business and put it to work,” said Rachael’s father David Gandal. “She learned how to handle properties and rentals. She was very much a self-made girl.”


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