Atlanta, GA 12/11/2007 12:59:46 AM
News / Law

Police believe 2 Colorado church shootings connected

Colorado authorities believe there may be a connection between two shootings at different religious organizations on Sunday.

The first shooting occurred around 12:30 a.m. on Sunday morning at Youth with a Mission (YWAM) missionary center in Arvada. A man wearing dark clothing, a skull cap, glasses, and a beard walked into the center and began arguing with a staff member over whether he could spend the night there. He then opened fire, killing two staff members and injuring two others.


Police were unable to track the gunman in the snow as they lost him in a heavily walked area. Later that day around 1 p.m. another shooting occurred at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, which is 80 miles south of Arvada.


A gunman dressed in black entered the church and opened fire on worshipers. One churchgoer was immediately killed and four others wounded. A security guard killed the gunman. One of the wounded victims died in the hospital later on Sunday.


Although different weapons were used in the shootings, police believe they may be connected. A handgun was used at YWAM and a shotgun used in New Life Church.


Police searched a Denver home early Monday in connection with the attack. It is unclear how the home relates to the cases.


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