Atlanta, Ga. 12/12/2007 4:35:53 AM
News / Law

Matthew Murray Died of Self Inflicted Gunshot Wound

Matthew Murray, the 24-year-old man responsible for killing four people in two separate Colorado locations on Sunday, apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.


Murray was originally thought to have been killed by a security guard at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs but an autopsy revealed his death came at his own hands.


While his death was attributed to a single shot, Murray was struck several times by the security officer at the megachurch.


Earlier in the day Murray killed two employees at the Youth With a Mission training center in Arvada, Colorado. About 12 hours after the initial killings Murray killed two sisters in the parking lot of New Life Church before entering the building and being shot by the security officer.


Recent reports have indicated that Murray had posted several hateful messages on a Web site for individuals who had left evangelical religious groups. In his final posting on Sunday Murray indicated that “All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you ... as I can especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world.”


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