Atlanta, Ga. 4/9/2010 1:18:38 AM
News / Business

Distributing Press Releases with SEO through Web and Newsroom Outlets Available through

Distributing press releases remains a valued tool for any business looking to get their message out to a large audience. To reach that audience and truly make an impact on the reader there are several marketing applications that can be included to reach your goal. As a news and press release distribution outlet dedicated to providing its members with these applications TransWorldNews has created a platform in which a business can effectively brand themselves.


Each press release distributed through TransWorldNews is manually search engine optimized (SEO) to ensure proper indexing in search results. This service focuses on key words and keyword phrases that appear within the press release, improving the visibility of that release when somebody searches for those keywords and phrases in major search engines.


Press release distribution through TransWorldNews affords businesses the opportunity to reach newsrooms as well as other Web outlets. With access to more than 24,000 radio television and radio stations, newspapers, magazines and trade publications TransWorldNews can quickly put your news in front of your target audience.


TransWorldNews has also improved the marketability of a press release distribution with several applications that can enhance the appeal of your news. Through the ADit application a business can upload their own banner ads to their press release, serving to highlight specific products, services and events while directing traffic back to their site. The ADit application also ensures no other advertising will appear on the press release, eliminating the possibility that a competitor’s ad would capitalize on your content.


Distributing press releases through TransWorldNews also offers a business the advantage of displaying their website in an I-frame that appears at the bottom of their news. This URL Traffic Builder enables a reader to view the content of the release and navigate the company’s Web site without leaving the page. The URL Traffic Builder also improves a company’s traffic ranking as each time their press release is viewed it counts as a page view to their site


TransWorldNews also gives members the ability to include a video in their press release. Adding a video to a press release can serve many functions as it can detail a specific product or service that the press release mentions or it can give an overview of the company or highlight an event. Members distributing press releases through TransWorldNews can also include a picture gallery, adding yet another visual appeal to their news.


Seth Cayer, director of business development at TransWorldNews, stated “We have dedicated ourselves to providing our members with improved distribution reach through Web and newsroom outlets as well as visual improvements within a press release. As we move forward as a leader in press release distribution we will continue to add features that benefit our members.”


To learn more about the news and press release distribution services of TransWorldNews please contact us at 404.352.4949.




500 Bishop St. F-9

Atlanta, Ga. 30318

404.352.4949 (t)

404.355.9546 (f)