A recent Fox News poll finds Americans gravely concerned about the country’s future. When asked whether problems have reached crisis levels, they responded “Yes” for unemployment (86%), federal deficit (82%) and the economy (81%). The poll contacted 900 registered voters from April 6 to April 7.
Most would assume that such poll results are an encouragement to the political party out of power. Tim Cox, founder of Get Out of Our House, sees it differently. Cox says that simply switching the parties in power won’t work anymore. “The predicament our nation is in is the result of decades of career politicians, of both parties, ignoring the issues and focusing on the acquisition of power. Even today, as the Republicans attempt to regain their majority in Congress, they offer only hollow promises that things will be better, if only they are restored to power. Yet they offer no genuine solutions to the problems facing our nation.”
He continues, “GOOOH has a plan: elect citizen representatives who will make the tough decisions required to get our nation back on track, not worrying about getting re-elected or rewarding the special interest groups who fund them.”
Candidates will be chosen openly in each congressional district and will be funded on a national level. Candidates will accept no special interest monies, and will benefit from a cutting edge, nationwide ad campaign, which will say, “If you’re tired of business as usual in Washington, DC, send someone to Washington who will represent the interests of his district and the nation, not those of political parties or narrow business interests.”
Response to the group’s message has been growing with the release of a no-holds-barred YouTube video sketching the group’s concerns about the future of the country. Nationwide radio advertising starts early next week with a 30-second ad on the Glenn Beck radio show.