Atlanta, GA 12/14/2007 12:20:09 AM
News / Law

Larissa Schuster Gets Life After Killing Husband With Acid

Larissa Schuster, a biochemist, was sentenced to life Thursday after killing her husband by knocking him out and pouring acid on him.

A Superior Court jury found Larissa Schuster guilty of murdering Timothy Schuster with the circumstance that the murder was committed for financial gain.

The Schusters co-owned a chemical lab and were in the midst of a bitter divorce.

Mr. Schuster's half-dissolved body was found a few days after his 2003 death in a barrel that was inside a storage unit his wife had rented.

Schuster was expected to be sentenced next month to life imprisonment without parole.

Prosecutors said Larissa Schuster and her former lab assistant kidnapped her husband on July 10, 2003, knocked him out with a stun gun and chloroform, then dumped his bound body into a barrel while he was still breathing.

The assistant, James Fagone, said Schuster poured hydrochloric acid into the barrel. Fagone was convicted of murder last year and sentenced to life without parole.

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