Atlanta, GA 12/14/2007 4:35:46 AM
News / Law

Jessica O’Donnell arrested for surrogate mother scam

Greenwood County authorities have arrested a woman who scammed couples out of money by promising to pose as a surrogate mother. Police say Jessica O’Donnell received nearly $14,000 from at least six people after using the internet to run her scam.

O’Donnell told couples to send sperm in a plain plastic cup and she would have her friend, who she claimed was a nurse, to inseminate her. She instructed them to use ice packs and a cooler to preserve the sperm.


O’Donnell is currently being held in a Greenwood jail on a $140,000 bail. The 28-year-old’s husband, Daniel O’Donnell, has also been arrested. They are both charged with obtaining money under false pretenses.


Major John Murray says O’Donnell now claims she is 15 weeks pregnant with her husband’s child.


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