Denver 4/12/2010 9:01:30 AM
News / Business Compiles Clinical Trials for Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment, a leader in personal injury legal information, is pleased to announce coverage of what could potentially be an enormous step forward in the treatment for traumatic brain injuries. Recent developments in hormone therapy for patients with brain injuries will soon be implemented in a clinical trial involving 1,100 brain injury patients in 17 hospitals across California.

According to recent news articles, a new therapy involving the sex hormone, Progesterone, has shown success in laboratory trials. Soon, doctors will begin administering an IV containing the hormone in hopes of limiting cell death immediately following a traumatic brain injury. Conventional
brain injury treatments, such as surgery and other medications, have not been as effective at preventing the long-term effects of a serious head injury. Often times the initial brain injury is not the only damage that occurs in the brain. A cascading effect is set in motion from the initial trauma, resulting in massive cell death within the first few hours.

The hope is that a timely injection of Progesterone could have some cell protective properties, slowing the cell death that occurs in the aftermath of a
traumatic brain injury. As the most crucial time after the injury is within a few short hours, patients who come in to the emergency room could be given the experimental treatment without their consent. This presents another hurdle to the study, as informed consent for receiving the drug during the trial is required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for almost all clinical trials. However, since the patients have just suffered severe head trauma, many of them are unable to give their consent. Thus, the FDA has granted an exception for the Progesterone trials.

Though the FDA has granted the study an exception to the consent rule, many are concerned about the possibility of a
brain injury lawsuit resulting from this experimental treatment. Patients in the area of the clinical trial may decide currently whether or not they would like to participate in the study, via an online registry or by wearing a wristband noting their decision. Still, the ethical implications for this treatment and study raise the eyebrows of doctors and patients alike. will continue to report on all developments concerning research on traumatic brain injury treatments, including updates from this case and a host of others. In addition to its extensive brain injury information portal, offers help to those seeking information regarding reports of a
Levetiracetam lawsuit, the generic version of the anticonvulsant Keppra manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals.

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