Atlanta, GA 12/18/2007 4:30:41 AM
News / Law

Two inmates escape ‘Shawshank Redemption’ style

Two inmates have escaped from a New Jersey jail. Perhaps their jail break plan was inspired by ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in which Tim Robbins’ character chipped a hole through his cell wall and covered it with a poster of Rita Hayworth.


Officials say thats just what Otis Blunt and Jose Espinosa did. The two inmates escaped from the Union County jail Saturday night after they removed cement blocks from two walls and squeezed through the opening all the way to a rooftop down below. They climbed over a 25-foot-high fence and are currently on the loose.


The men covered the hole with pictures of bikini clad women, prompting authorities to forbid inmates to pin up pictures on their cell walls. “I’m extremely disturbed that a jail with the capability of security it has would foster a breach of this nature,” said county prosecutor Theodore Romankow.


Espinosa was in jail awaiting sentencing for manslaughter while Blunt was awaiting trial for robbery and weapon charges.


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