Atlanta, Ga. 12/18/2007 6:29:19 AM
News / Business

Video News Releases now offered through Finditt, a division of TransWorldNews

Video News Releases are now available through Companies that are sending out press releases can now include a video with their press release giving readers the ability to view and listen to your choice of video uploaded and included in your company press release.


The inclusion of the video inside the body of a company press release provides the company the ability to expand on the message that otherwise would be limited to only text.


Finditt, along with TransWorldNews, provides the video news release service in its press release service to enrich the visitor’s experience, providing them with an additional medium that serves to connect them with the company issuing the press release.


Over the years we have seen the evolution from print to radio to television all carrying news and press with regard to companies. Companies have utilized all three of these mediums to advertise to the public their products and services along with connecting with shareholders, meeting regulatory requirements by being transparent in earnings reports, significant changes within a company or updating the public on new members of an organization.


With Finditt News, adding a video with a message from a member of the company or demonstrating a product or service that the press release is focusing on can provide a reader with much more visual clarity, the same way we watch news today versus listening to a radio broadcast.


Many news channels will have a commentator while they are interviewing a guest or reporting on a news story, simultaneously we see a scrolling news feed in text at the bottom or side of the screen updating us on other news stories or what is coming up next. Taking advantage of a video right inside a press release provides a reader the ability to read the press release without the video on Finditt covering up any of the text of the news release.


Finditt offers single press release distribution as well as unlimited press release packages that include web and newsroom distribution.


To establish your Finditt News and Press Release account with Video please go to: and sign up and submit your press releases and include your videos.


Please call Finditt in the event you would like additional information. 1 404 352 4949


Uploading videos is also offered in Blogs, Cars, Dating, Realty, Jobs and Resumes.


To view how a video press release is displayed on Finditt and TransWorldNews please go to: 




500 Bishop St. ELL-1

Atlanta, Ga. 30318

404.352.4949 (t)

404.351.2722 (f)