Atlanta, Ga. 12/18/2007 11:35:00 AM
News / Law

10-Year-Old Girl Arrested for Carrying Steak Knife to School

A ten-year-old girl from Ocala, Florida was arrested and charged with carrying a weapon on school property after teachers at her school witnessed her using a steak knife to cut her lunch.


The 5th grader had brought a piece of steak for her meal and carried a steak knife to cut the meat but the utensil was quickly snapped up by teachers who then notified police.


According to Marion County School Spokesman Kevin Christian the school had no choice but to call authorities after the knife was seen. As part of the school system’s policy any weapon brought on school grounds must be reported to police.


Police arrested the girl and took her to a juvenile assessment center. While it was recognized that the girl had not used the knife in a threatening manner she still faces felony weapons charges and has been suspended for ten days.


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