Atlanta, Ga. 4/15/2010 12:27:19 AM
News / Business

Social Media Marketing Tools to Help Build Brand Recognition and Online Advertising Campaigns Available on WooEB

Social media marketing has become one of the most advantageous avenues by which a business can attract new customers while also maintaining strong relationships with existing clients. By creating a more personal relationship with these customers and clients through social media outlets a business can develop greater brand awareness, build strong networks and establish a loyal following for their products and services.


While social media marketing has grown in popularity with the advancement of sites like Facebook and Twitter there are a number of important things to consider when creating your online advertising campaigns on social networks. Among the most important is recognizing whether that site will enable you to present a comprehensive picture of your business. On many social networking communities a member can upload a limited amount of information, leaving visitors with an incomplete picture of what that business is all about.


As a social and business networking community designed to provide businesses with the social media marketing tools necessary to create a comprehensive understanding of what each member wants to convey has taken the steps to ensure every member can deliver a clear and detailed message.


Among the online marketing applications and services available on WooEB; the ability to upload videos, display pictures, post blogs and press releases, list events and classifieds, establish networks with other businesses as well as individuals within the community, provide links back to Web site, and create a unique URL for profile to make it easier to direct followers.


WooEB also has the “Right Now” application which carries a similar function to that of Twitter. By using the Right Now a business can quickly post announcements about advertising specials, upcoming events or news and these messages are then seen within the community. To assist in creating greater exposure WooEB posts the most recent ‘Right Now” status messages on the home page, drawing greater attention to the message of a business.


In addition, WooEB provides members with the opportunity to upload their own banner advertisements on their profile through the “ADit” application. The ADit application allows a member to designate their banner ads with a URL that directs visitors to a specific page within a Web site- driving traffic to areas that the member is trying to highlight. Banner ads uploaded through the ADit application will appear on all the pages within a profile, meaning the more content that is uploaded, the more the banner advertising appears.


“For many businesses social media marketing is something that they jump into and then after awhile they notice the process can become tedious as they try to manage multiple profiles that house different material. At WooEB we have created a business networking community that enables a member to upload all of that content in one place, eliminating the need to bounce from site to site to upload and post information. By making the process of social media marketing easier and quicker WooEB has made it more effective for our members” said Brendan Smith, online marketing manager at WooEB.


Create you profile within the WooEB community today and build your Web presence within a matter of minutes.


To learn more about the services of WooEB or for additional information concerning the site please contact:



500 Bishop St. F9

Atlanta, Ga. 30318

404.352.4949 (t)

404.355.9546 (f)