St. Louis, MO 12/20/2007 11:47:45 PM
Everyone knows about Al Gores efforts to promote awareness about global warming and sustainable living. However, much of the grass roots leadership of this movement is coming from progressive churches and other organizations like the First Unitarian Church of St. Louis (First Unitarian) which will illuminate its Christmas tree this year for the first time using energy-efficient LED Christmas lights.
The First Unitarian, organized in 1835, will illuminate its 12’ live Christmas tree this evening with over 1800 LED Christmas lights. The church decided to switch to LED Christmas lights as a part of the First Unitarian’s ‘Greening the Church’ movement which is national effort by the First Unitarian Church to promote sustainable practices throughout its congregations.
The First Unitarian also has a comprehensive recycling program; uses no paper products for its dining events; has changed to all fluorescent lights; and is working toward a complete organic waste recycling program. “It’s really encouraging and inspiring to see organizations like the First Unitarian leading the charge in promoting environmentally sustainable practices,” said Philip C. Curtis, co-owner of, the company who supplied the LED Christmas lights to the church.
Safety was also a major consideration in the First Unitarian’s decision to switch to LED Christmas lights. The highly efficient LED Christmas lights consume about 85% less energy than standard incandescent Christmas lights, will last for over 100,000 hours, and operate at only 1 degree above ambient temperature so they are much safer than traditional Christmas lights.
LED Christmas lights can be purchased online at To learn more about the First Unitarian Church of St. Louis and its environmental programs visit its website at