Atlanta, Ga. 12/21/2007 4:12:34 AM
News / Law

New Orleans Protesters Hit with Chemical Spray and Stun Devices by Police

Protesters in New Orleans upset with the city’s decision to demolish a public housing unit marched towards City Hall and after several filled the government buildings council chambers to capacity those left outside became violent and attempted to break through an iron gate that separated them from the building.


Police tried to maintain order and began using chemical spray and stun devices to keep the crowd at bay. Several protesters were arrested.


The protesters had been marching to City Hall to call upon City Council members to reject the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s plan to demolish a public housing project. A vote was scheduled for Thursday and Council approval is required before the demolition can take place.


Many of the projects pegged for demolition were severely damaged during Hurricane Katrina and have been scheduled to be replaced by a mixed-income group of houses. Protesters have argued that the proposed new housing is aimed at driving low-income and blacks out of the city.


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