The latest polls from Iowa, found on, show Rudy trailing badly behind his Republican rivals. This comes in stark contrast to his performance around the country as a whole, and brings to light some interesting issues pertaining to one state having so much power in the caucus system. Candidates have been known to be sent home with their tails between their legs after a bad start in Iowa, even when faring much better in pre-election polls around the rest of the country.
One political analyst made the comment Sunday that the cards are stacked far too highly in Iowa’s favor. It’s hard to argue with the sentiment. With the primaries just around the country, it will be interesting to see how Giuliani fares after almost a foregone loss in the Iowa caucus. Momentum has been known to do amazing things to a candidates election chances, and for now, it seems Mike Huckabee has the best shot of getting that momentum post-Iowa, and seeing what he can do with it around the country.
For his part, Giuliani has expressed no reservation or surprise about the poll numbers. His team has put forth a confident statement that his numbers will hold, particularly in the more urban areas where his brand of conservatism seems most popular. Iowa has always been known for having ultra conservative ideals, which may be a key to why Giuliani’s campaign has been unable to penetrate the state’s caucus. Time will tell, but with the holidays upon us, and the primaries following immediately after, many analysts have theorized that the numbers in place now are unlikely to change much before the voters go to the polls.