Atlanta, GA 12/28/2007 2:24:36 AM
News / Law

Michele Anderson and Joseph McEnroe arrested for 6 deaths

Michele Anderson, 29, and her boyfriend Joseph McEnroe, also 29, have been arrested for the murder of six people on Christmas Eve. A family dispute over money is believed to have led the Washington state couple to murder the six people, including two young children.

The bodies of Anderson’s father and mother, 60-year-old Wayne Anderson and 61-year-old Judy Anderson, as well as her brother, Scott Anderson, his wife Erica and their two children, Olivia and Nathan, were found yesterday in a Carnation home after Judy failed to show up at work.


McEnroe and Anderson were charged with six counts of first degree murder each. All 6 victims appear to have died from gunshot wounds, but the weapon has yet to be found.


According to Michele’s nephew, Ben, her and her parents were constantly fighting over money. He said Michele and Joseph had been living on the property with Judy and Wayne.


“She had a different way of thinking. My grandparents had a lot of money. She had lived on the property rent-free her whole life and they were just trying to help her out,” said Ben.


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