Addiction affects the human body in many ways, depending on the drug or drugs causing the addiction. These can include causing organ damage, suppressing the immune system, and altering body chemistry. For instance, when a person suffers from an alcohol addiction, the liver can become severely compromised. This happens because the liver acts as a filter for any harmful substance that is taken into the body. Repeated use of alcohol can cause the liver to function less efficiently.
Eventually, if the patient does not enter a drug treatment program to help him overcome alcohol addiction, a disease known as cirrhosis of the liver will occur. When this does happen, the scar tissue that the liver has formed as a result of trying to repair the damage caused by alcohol addiction becomes so thick that the liver can no longer function. Addiction can also cause the body’s immune system to be suppressed. When this happens, the body cannot fight off infection as efficiently as it should. This can make even the slightest infection, such as a cold, more dangerous.
Often, when a person has entered a drug rehab program for addiction, staff members, especially in facilities such as G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment Program are able to provide treatment for a suppressed immune system. This may include such things as simply providing a nutritious diet for a patient. In addition, they may administer colonic treatments (sometimes known as colon cleansings) which help remove impurities from the body. Once the impurities are removed, and the patient is eating properly, the physical healing process can begin.
Addiction can also affect a person’s body chemistry levels. These can include blood sugar, blood pressure, and heart rate, just to name a few. Addiction can cause abnormalities in all of those mentioned, as well as other aspects of the body chemistry. Because a holistic drug rehab program addresses all aspects of a patient, the treatment program that will take any physical problems into consideration. By logging on to or calling 1-800-559-9503, a person can learn about holistic treatment and how it can help with addiction.