Taking in a breath of fresh air-- seems simple… right? Now, imagine living life on the sidelines-- never getting to do the things you love to do. Like something just as simple as taking in that fresh air. Tune into The Balancing Act along with special guests Douglas Hansell, MD and Joel Brandon from Covidien Respiratory and Monitoring Solutions as they air Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00am (ET/PT) on Lifetime Television. Dr. Hansell educates our viewers, and gives hope to those who rely on hospital care-- unable to breathe on their own.
Dr. Hansell says, “People who can’t breathe on their own – they’re dependent on ventilators to live. And that really keeps these people from getting out and living. Covidien’s Puritan Bennett 540™ Portable Ventilator can improve patient care and help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
“A lot of people who need a ventilator feel uneasy when they’re away from the hospital or medical setting. Family members may not have the confidence in their ability to care for their loved ones without the trained staff and the hospital’s medical equipment. Covidien’s Puritan Bennett 540™ Portable Ventilator can help improve quality of life during at-home therapy”, Dr. Hansell adds.
Covidien’s Puritan Bennett 540™ Portable Ventilator is for small children all the way up to adults. It can be applied invasively, through an artificial airway or noninvasively through a mask. It’s lightweight, and has up to 11 hours of battery life so patients can get out, visit friends, go to the park-- just get out and live life!
For more information, visit http://www.respiratorysolutions.covidien.com/.
About The Balancing Act: The TV show airs on Lifetime Television at 7:00am (ET/PT) -- and is America’s only morning show that’s about women, for women, and trusted by women. Celebrating life and all there is to accomplish, The Balancing Act inspires and empowers with entertaining and educational segments, placing women in the best position to achieve success in every area of their lives.
For additional information or to view a segment, visit http://www.transworldnews.com/www.TheBalancingAct.com. To sign up for the show’s newsletter go to www.thebalancingact.com/join.php. For more details about The Balancing Act, LLC please visit http://www.o2mediainc.com/. Marketing-PR Creative Writer, Denise Kraft. Media-Marketing Relations— contact Limor Windt at limor@o2mediainc.com, or call (954) 691-1102.
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