Atlanta, Ga. 1/1/2008 6:16:34 AM
News / Law

Would-Be Ford Assassin Sara Jane Moore Paroled from Prison

Sara Jane Moore, the 45-year-old woman who took at shot at President Gerald Ford in 1975, was paroled from her federal prison on Monday after serving 32 years of a life sentence.


Moore, now 77-years-old, was standing outside a San Francisco hotel when she lifted her revolver and squeezed off a single round at Ford. Because Oliver Sipple, a former Marine standing next to her, pushed her arm the bullet sailed over the president’s head and she was quickly detained.


A self-described leftist at the time, Moore would later say she regretted the attempt and expressed remorse for her actions.


Moore’s assassination attempt came just 17 days after Charles Manson disciple Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme attempted to kill Ford.


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