Atlanta, GA 1/1/2008 6:30:13 AM
News / Law

Sara Jane Moore, Would Be President Assassin, Freed

Sara Jane Moore, the would-be assassin on President Gerald Ford, has been freed from a Dublin federal prison after serving nearly 32 years behind bars. According to Mike Truman, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the 77-year-old was released sometime this morning and is at an unknown location.

Moore attempted to assassinate President Ford on September 22, 1975, when she was 45-years-old. She fired at Ford with a .38 caliber handgun, but was hindered by another bystander, Oliver Sipple. Sipple, who died in 1989, was an ex-Marine and Vietnam War veteran.


Moore's attempt to kill Ford was the second in one month. Less than three weeks before, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme attempted to assassinate Ford in Sacramento. Fromme, who is now 59, is currently serving a life sentence in Texas.


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