Democratic presidential hopeful John Edward, often considered a populist candidate for his speeches that are aimed at the opinion of the citizens, may be losing some of his appeal as election season draws closer. Despite recent surges in popularity in Iowa, latest poll figures show him losing ground in the three-candidate race in the nation's first caucus.
While his opinions may be popular with some voters, they do not seem to resonate with expected Democrat caucus goers, with his favor dropping in comparison with front-runner Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, still in a statistical tie in the polls, according to numbers posted at While Clinton and Obama continue to take swipes are each other, Edwards may be starting take on the role of spoiler than of a viable candidate according to the latest democratic poll by American Research Group that has him more than double digits behind Clinton in Iowa.
With the Democrat caucus, candidates without enough support to win a single delegate often encourage their followers to shift to a second choice candidate. Recently, Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, a consistent last place holder in Iowa has advised his supporters to move to Obama's group. If other lower tier candidates are successful in gathering support for Obama or Clinton, Edwards could see his position further eroded.
Republican caucus-goers do not share in the same process, as their proceedings are more straightforward. They go to their polling place, cast their ballot and go home. The Democrats will be lobbying for support from obvious losing candidates, hoping to sway delegates into their camp. However, if Edwards continues to decline in the polls, his attraction as a second choice candidate may not be enough for a strong showing in the state.
Breaking News: Obama and Huckabee are predicted winners before caucus has started.