Atlanta, Ga. 4/24/2010 1:25:35 AM
News / Law

Sarah Palin Testifies in Email Hacking Case Held in Tennessee

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin appeared in a Tennessee court on Friday to testify against a 22-year-old man accused of hacking into her personal email account and leaking information about her and her family during the 2008 presidential campaign.


David Kernell faces up to 50 years in jail if he is convicted on the charges of identity theft and fraud but his lawyers have maintained his actions were not meant to be malicious, rather they were meant as a prank.


According to prosecutors Kernell broke into Palin’s Yahoo account, changed her password and then filtered the information to Web outlets who then published private information concerning the VP candidate.


Earlier this week the damage caused by those actions was expressed by Palin’s daughter Bristol who told the court she received several harassing calls and text messages after her number, which had been stored in Palin’s account, was published.


Leaving the court after testifying Sarah Palin was asked by reporters if the charges against Kernell were excessive she said “I don't know, but I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior.”


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