Atlanta, Ga. 4/24/2010 2:23:08 AM
News / Law

New York Man Pleads Guilty to Terror Charges Related to Suicide Bombing Plot

A New York man has pled guilty to his involvement in a plot that would have unleashed suicide bombers on the city’s subway system and led to massive loss of life.


While entering his plea on Friday Zarein Ahmedzay admitted to conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction as well as providing support to al-Qaeda. The admission is a reversal from his initial plea of innocence made after his January arrest.


Last month Najibullah Zazi pled guilty to his part in the plot while a third man, Adis Medunjanin, is facing similar charges.


According to prosecutors the three men had been following the direction of al-Qaeda leaders who wanted to launch an attack similar to the 2005 attacks on London’s public transit.


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