Atlanta, GA 1/6/2008 11:23:03 AM
News / Law

Foul Play Suspected in Meredith Emerson Disappearance

Meredith Emerson went missing on New Years Day after taking her black lab to hike in North Georgia Mountains. GBI officials were searching for “a person of interest” as they believe the man, who has been identified as 61-year-ol Gary Michael Hilton, was the last person to talk to her and possibly see her alive.

Hilton was taken into custody on late Friday and according to GBI spokesman John Bankhead, is being held at “an undisclosed location.” Bankhead said Hilton was found at a Dekalb County gas station and is currently being questioned about the 24-year-old Colorado native. Several hikers said they saw Hilton talking to Emerson the day she disappeared.


Emerson’s dog was found Friday afternoon at a Cumming grocery store. Police and volunteers searched for Emerson on Blood Mountain after her car was found near the Freeman Trail.


GBI officials will not confirm that some of Emerson’s clothes were found in a dumpster near outside a gas station not far from where her dog was found. According to reports, investigators searched the dumpster and took finger prints from a nearby phone.


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