Atlanta,GA 1/7/2008 4:25:01 AM
News / Law

Adam Gadahn Releases New Al-Qaida Video on YouTube

Adam Gadahn has called on Al-Qaida to welcome President Bush to Israel and the West Bank with “Bombs and booby-trapped vehicles.”


In the video released on You Tube this Sunday, Gadahn symbolized his protest against Washington by ripping apart his US passport.  This would be the first message of the terror network this year.


In Arabic Gadahn says, “Now we direct an urgent call to our militant brothers in Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula…to be ready to receive the Crusader slayer Bush in his visit to Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula in the beginning of January and to receive him not with flowers or clapping but with bombs and booby-trapped vehicles.”


Adam Yahiye Gadahn was born as Adam Pearlman on September 1, 1978.  A convert to Islam, he is well known as the American spokesman for the Al-Qaida organization.  Between 2004 and 2006, Gadahn released numerous videos as Azzam the American.  Charged with treason in 2006, he has been wanted by the FBI since 2004.  Authorities are offering a reward of $1 million for any information which lead to his arrest.


Israel states that there have been no intelligence warnings concerning the president’s safety.