Atlanta, GA 1/8/2008 4:41:09 AM
News / Law

Beth Ann Chester Sends Nude Pictures to 14 Year Old

Beth Chester was charged with sexual abuse of children and statutory sexual assault after she sent nude pictures and sex related text messages to one of her 14-year-old students. Chester was a P.E. teacher at Moon Area High School in Pittsburgh.

The 26-year-old was arrested Friday after the boys parents discovered to text messaged on December 26. According to the boy, he and Chester began talking through text messages in October.


The texts included to naked pictures of Chester and one naked picture of the boy. She also sent him messages telling him he was “sexy” and making explicit remarks about his body. The student denies that he and Chester ever had physical contact.


Chester is currently being held in the Allegheny County Jail to await a hearing scheduled for Tuesday.


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