Town Computer Launches its "Technology For All " Program
With the expansion of the cyber world, the communities where individuals do not have access to computer and Internet technology are being left behind. Children cannot do their homework without a PC and enough skills to use it. Adults cannot search for job openings and compete equally on the job market without computer knowledge. This is why yesterday, Jacques Dady Jean, the CEO of Town Computer, announced the “Technology For All” program.
Launched in Spring of 2007, this pilot program has already trained 492 adults in the Greater Boston area in computer literacy, computer repair, Microsoft Office applications and basic web design. In addition to local classes, this year residents of several other cities in
The program consists of teaching computer technology to the residents of
In addition to teaching new technology, Town Computer refurbishes old computers to donate to needy families. Instead of sending these PC’s to a landfill, the company accepts and repairs them to give away for a better cause.
The computer classes are free; participants are required to pay only a $60 registration fee for the 10-week long program.
Registration has now begun for the classes beginning in January and February.
For more information, please call (617) 298-0357.
(617) 298-0357
Contact Information:
Karrie Ann Jean
(617) 298-0357