Atlanta, GA 1/8/2008 12:20:32 PM
News / Law

Meredith Emerson Body Found

The body of Meredith Emerson has been found. Gary Michael Hilton, who was arrested in connection with her disappearance, led police to the body.


The 24-year-old disappeared New Years Day while hiking in North Georgia Mountains with her dog Ella. The Labrador retriever later turned up at a gas station 30 miles from Blood Mountain. Witnesses described Hilton to police and said he had been talking to Emerson.


He was taken into custody at another gas station. Police found Emerson’s bloody clothes and ID in a dumpster. The 61-year-old was charged with kidnapping and causing bodily harm.


Hilton told police where to find Emerson’s body. She was found in Dawson Forest Wildlife. John Cagle of the GBI would not confirm that Hilton would be charged with murder.


Authorities are investigating a possible link to the murder of an elderly couple hiking in North Carolina Mountains and the murder of a woman hiking in Florida.


John and Irene Bryant were murdered last October. Irene’s body was found but John’s is still missing. There were no details released about the Florida woman’s death.


“There’s a lot going on in the case right now,” said Cagle. He added that Emerson’s body was being taken to the GBI lab.


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