Atlanta, GA 1/10/2008 11:47:40 PM
News / Law

Gary Michael Hilton Suspected in Death of Cheryl Dunlap

Already charged for the murder of Meredith Emerson,  who was last scene at Vogel State Park in North Georgia January 1.  Her body was found brutally murdered.  Gary Hilton is now a prime suspect in the murder of a 46 year old woman in Crawfordville Florida.

Cheryl Hodges Dunlap first disappeared December 1, her body was found in Apalachicola National Forest on December 15.  Security footage revealed a masked person using her ATM card three times since her disappearance.

Sgt. Rob Reisinger of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office reported at a press Conference on Wednesday that it is possible that Hilton was in the area at the time Dunlap first went missing.  Florida officials say that the tag number of Hilton’s car was taken by a state forestry agent who made contact with the suspect shortly after Dunlap’s disappearance.

Hilton is also suspected of the murder of the North Carolina couple, John and Irene Bryant.   John Bryant, 79, and Irene Bryant 84 were last seen October 20 while hiking in the Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina, near the Georgia and South Carolina border lines.  Irene was found three weeks later, bludgeoned to death while John’s body remains to be found.  He is believed to be dead.

Sheriff David Mahoney, of Transylvania County, NC, who is investigating the deaths of the Bryants is “optimistic” that case will be solved.  He says that the death of Bryant and Emerson are very similar.  With each victim, the killer used their ATM cards, and their bodies were found in a state or national forest.

The killings themselves proved to be the same as well, both were left in a gruesome state.  Emerson was found decapitated as Dunlap is reported to have had her head and hands cut off, although Tallahassee officials have not confirmed the reports as they were not at “liberty to discuss” the case’s similarities.
Investigators believe there may even be a fifth victim from Hilton’s killing spree.  On December 6, the woman was found by a motorist on Stitcher Road in LaGrange, near the Alabama line and Macon.  Her body was found separated into five black garbage bags, mutilated as the other four victims, with her hands, head and feet missing.

Hilton is  not yet a suspect for the woman’s murder, but investigators are definitely keeping their eyes open.

Forsyth County officials are also questioning whether Hilton had any connection to the murder of Patrice Endres, the owner of Cumming Beauty, two years ago.  She was found in Dawson State Forest one mile where Emerson’s body was found.

61 year old Hilton was denied bail on Wednesday and was informed that he was being charged for murder.  He did not make a plea.

Hilton’s relatives were not present at the hearing.  Susan and Dave Emerson did not show.  Hilton was not work “our time and energy.”

Meredith Emerson’s memorial service will be held on Friday at 2 pm at Central Presbyterian Church in Athens.