Atlanta, GA 1/11/2008 10:26:18 PM
News / Law

Seperated Twins Marry, Neither Knew Until After Wedding

A UK couple's marriage was annulled recently when they discovered that they were brother and sister.  The couple, who's identity has not been revealed, are twin brother and sister who were separated at birth.  Neither of the two knew about their family relationship prior to the marriage.

Pam Hodgkins, chief executive of the charity organization, Adults Affected by Adoption (NORCAP) reveals that this couple's case is not the first time seperated siblings have been attracted to each other.  "We have a resistance, a very strong incest taboo where we are aware that someone is a biological relatvie...But when we are unaware of that relationship, we are naturally drawn to people who are quite similar to ourselves...And of course there is unlikely to be anyone more similar to any individual than their sibling.

After a special hearing, the couple was granted an annulment as the marriage was never valid.