Atlanta, GA 1/12/2008 4:15:55 AM
News / Law

Corri Fetman is the “Lawyer of Love”

Corri Fetman has been stirring up a lot controversy over her billboard featuring seductive male and female bodies with a caption saying “Life’s Short, Get a Divorce.”  Now she’s taking it to the web for with her online column about her legal thoughts of love.

A partner at Fetman, Garland & Associates, Fetman was accused of encouraging divorce.  On the contrary, Fetman states “We believe you should stay in an unhappy marriage.”

A new billboard went up last June and a third one has gone up since.  The current board reads, “Take Control, Get a Divorce.  The add can be seen on Fetman’s column at

In her column, Corri discusses many frequently asked questions about the laws of love.  Future columns will be responses to e-mails sent by readers themselves. is also offering an exclusive nude pictorial of Corri Fetman.

P.S.  Remember the seductive female on the billboards?  That’s Corri Fetman.  She will be featured in Playboy’s February 2008 “Boss of the Month” issue.