Atlanta, Ga. 1/13/2008 3:01:50 AM
News / Law

Mother Arrested after Putting Son in Oven as Punishment

A seven-year-old Airmont, New York boy and his sibling where removed from their mother’s custody after it was discovered she had placed the boy in an oven as a means of punishment.


Police arrested Tiffany Fraser on Friday and charged her with assault and endangering a child after the boy was spotted at a shopping center standing alone. He told officers at the mall that he had run away from home because his mother had placed him in an oven.


Also arrested was a day-care worker who failed to report the young boy’s burns as child abuse. Joelle Lherisson noticed the boy had burns to his nose, arm, hand and left leg but failed to notify authorities.


Both Fraser and Lherisson were arraigned and released and will appear in court at a future date.


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