Atlanta 4/30/2010 1:14:15 AM
News / Law

Ban on Women Serving on U.S. Submarines Lifted after Congress Raises No Objections

Women serving in the U.S. military will now be able to serve on submarines after Congress raised no objections to a decision made by the defense department in February.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates had given Congress until midnight Wednesday to raise any objections concerning the decision and when that hour past the ban officially ended.

While the ban on women serving on U.S. submarines has ended it could still be some time before a woman takes a post aboard a submarine as the vessels will need to be modified to house proper quarters and women will still need to undergo training for duties on a submarine.

In addressing the decision to lift the ban Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said “There are extremely capable women in the navy who have the talent and desire to succeed in the submarine force.” Mabus went on to say, “We literally could not run the navy without women today.”

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