Atlanta, GA 1/15/2008 4:46:30 AM
News / Law

“Earthwide” Search Called for Cesar Laurean

North Carolina authorities have begun an “earthwide” search for Marine Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean, who is a suspect in the murder of pregnant Marine Maria Lauterbach. Authorities believe Laurean was in the Durham, North Carolina area as his truck was spotted and Lauterbach’s ATM card was found at a bus station.

Onslow County Sherriff Ed Brown said the FBI is offering a $25,000 reward for any information that leads to Laurean’s capture.


The 21-year-old has been on the run since Friday. His wife gave authorities a written note from him claiming Lauterbach, who was 8 months pregnant when she disappeared, had killed herself. He also wrote that he buried her in him and his wife’s backyard.


Lauterbach, 20, disappeared before she was supposed to testify in court on claims that Laurean had sexual assaulted her. Her family believes Laurean was the father of the unborn child.


Lauterbach’s body and a fetus were found Saturday in a pit in Laurean’s backyard. Police say the remains were burned. “One of the things that will probably stick with me for a long time, and forever, is that little hand, the way those fingers were turned, that had been burned off the arm,” Brown said. “That is bizarre. That is tragic. And it’s disgusting.”


An autopsy is set to be performed on Lauterbach and the fetus.


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