Atlanta, GA 1/16/2008 11:53:43 PM
News / Law

Trailer Testicles May be Banned from Virginia

Trailer Testicles are facing a possible ban from Virginia vehicles as State Del. Lionel Spruill introduced a bill to ban human genitalia replicas on Tuesday.

The thought came from a complaint Spuil received from a man who had to explain the trailer hitch testicles to his young daughter after she saw it on a vehicle.

Spruill told the man, “I’m going to be a laughingstock, but I’m going to do it.”  Spruill was going to fight to ban the rubber testicles.

He proposed that a maximum fine of $250 should be set for any vehicle that displays any ornamentation representing genitalia.

61 year old Spruill is serious about his intentions.  He claims that he would not hesitate to bring a pair of trailer testicles with him for a “legislative show-and-tell.” (Associated Press)

“I’m going to do it,” Spruill told reporters on Tuesday after the House session ended.  “I’m going to bring them out here and show them to you till they tell me to stop.”