Atlanta, GA 1/18/2008 12:43:44 AM
News / Law

Behavior of Maria Lauterbach Complicates Case

Maria Lauterbach was 20 when she became pregnant in May after filing rape charges against Cesar A. Laurean.  Eight months later authorities found what is believed to be the charred remains of missing Lauterbach and her baby in Laurean’s backyard.

An “earthwide” search for Laurean is underway according to the local sheriff.  FBI officials believe that Laurean may have returned to Mexico where he was born.

Lauterbach’s family criticizes the military for their failure to protect the missing marine, however, Lauterbach’s actions prior to her disappearance have complicated the case.  Her own mother described her as “a compulsive liar” to investigators.  Meanwhile military investigators report aht poor communication with local police made authorities believe that Lauterbach was no in danger.  Authorities say that Lauterbach left a month before her disappearance leading many to think she was just taking time for herself.

From the rape charges, Lauterbach admitted to a consensual sexual encounter with Laurean and later claimed that he was not the father of her child.  Earlier she claimed that the child was a product of the rape.

Police waited until January 9 to release key developments.

Lauterbach withdrew $700 from an ATM on December 14.  Her cellphone was found at the base gate, her car at the Jacksonville bus station.  On December 24, surveillance cameras recorded a man with a rag over his face withdrawing $400 from her account at an ATM.

Lauterbach’s roommate released a not saying “I could not take this Marine Corps life anymore.  So I am going away.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Maria.”  Clothing and toiletry items were taken from the home.

An investigation was launched after she failed to be present for duty on December 17.  Lauterbach was declared as a deserter in order to get aid form federal authorities to find her.  The Marines say there was “elevated concern for her welfare because of the advanced stage of pregnancy.

Laurean was quesioned on January 8th as a possible witness, however when he failed to report for duty three days later, police started digging in his backyard fire pit where they found the burnt bodies.