Atlanta, GA 1/18/2008 2:46:13 AM
News / Law

WTOP Radio Reports 311 Switch to 911

According to WTOP Radio, broadcasting out of Washington DC, all non-emergency calls will no longer go to 311.  Instead, all help calls, regardless of if they are an emergency or not are now expected to dial 911.

A few eyebrows have been raised about the switch and many are asking the same question:  “Will it be harder to get help in a real emergency?” (

Council member Phil Mendelson says “This is going to be confusing to the public…It’s always been drummed into citizens’ heads, ‘non-emergency you don’t call 911.”

Many are worried that flooding the lines with non-emergency calls ranging anywhere from potholes to barking dogs, will slow down the emergency response time.

Metropolitan Police Department officials will not talk about the change to WTOP as the announcement has not been officially made.