Atlanta, GA 1/19/2008 2:34:02 AM
News / Law

Tim Masters Investigators Under Investigation

Tim Masters was convicted in 1999 for the murder of Peggy Hettricks.  “Now there is going to be an investigation into whether there’s any criminal conduct on behalf of the police,” said attorney David Wymore.  The Fort Collins police are suspected of wiretapping and perjury.

Masters is trying to over turn his Larimer County conviction.

A complaint was filed in the office of Larimer County District Attorney Larry Abrahamson, requested an inquiry into whether Jim Broderick, the Fort Collins investigator on Master’s case, illegally taped a conversation between 15 year old masters and Clyde Master, his father.  The tape was recorded with out either party knowing.  Broderick is also suspected to have perjured himself.  He did not disclose in court his role in a 1988 surveillance operation of Master.

A team from Adams County is investigating Master’s innocence claims and has recently reported that Larimer prosecutors did not turn over evidence, violating state discovery law.

Wymore hopes the investigation on Master’s case will hold Fort Collins accountable for putting an innocent man in jail.