Atlanta, GA 1/22/2008 4:41:42 AM
News / Law

Police Search for Missing Teen Brianna Denison

Nevada police are searching for 19-year-old Brianna Denison as they fear she may have been abducted from a Reno, Nevada home on Sunday morning. “We’re treating this as an abduction case right now,” said Lt. Robert McDonald.

Denison was last seen around 4 a.m. Sunday morning after she returned from a party. The Santa Barbara City College Student was staying with a friend who lives near the University of Nevada. She is described as white, around 5 feet tall, 98 pounds, brunette, and has blue eyes.


McDonald says a small amount of blood was found on her pillow and “is of interest to us.” Police are searching for a “person of interest” who had dropped off one of Denison’s friend at her home after the party. Denison was staying with the friend.


Police say the white male was driving a tan GMC or Chevy Suburban. He is described as 45-year-old and possibly of Latin decent. “He’s certainly a person of interest. We’re treating him as a person of interest, not a suspect,” says McDonald. “We don’t know who he is. We know he was outside the residence, but he could have come back…Maybe he saw something or knows something that might be of interest.”


Anyone with information is asked to call Reno police.


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