Atlanta, GA 1/23/2008 4:33:21 AM
News / Law

Jose Padilla Sentenced to 17 Years, 4 Months Prison Time

Jose Padilla was sentenced on Tuesday to 17 years and 4 months in prison on terrorism charges.  The 37-year-old Muslim convert was arrested in 2002 and held for 3 1/2 years on allegations that he plotted with al Qaeda to blow up a radioactive “dirty bomb.”

Padilla initially faced life in prison but the sentence was reduced because of his military detention in South Carolina in which he was subject to “extreme environmental stresses.”


“I do find that the conditions were so harsh for Mr. Padilla…they warrant consideration in the sentencing in this case,” said the judge.


The judge also ordered a shorter sentence because there was “no evidence that these defendants personally maimed, kidnapped, or killed anyone in the United States or elsewhere.”


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