Atlanta, Ga. 1/29/2008 12:29:40 AM
News / Law

Brianna Denison Abduction Connected to Sexual Assault in December

Reno Police now believe the man responsible for sexually assaulting a woman in December is also responsible for the abduction of 19-year-old Brianna Denison.


There has been a positive DNA link between the two cases that indicate a white male in his 30s committed both crimes.


The woman in the December attack, a UNR student, has since given police a more detailed description of the man who abducted her on Dec. 16 and sexually assaulted her. Authorities are hoping that description will help them track down Denison who was abducted Jan. 20 while she was visiting friends in Reno.


Police found common DNA matches at both scenes that they believe with aid in their hunt for the man responsible. On Sunday Reno police commander Ron Holladay told those at a news conference, “Our chances of capturing the suspect are exponentially increased now because of the DNA. He probably lives in the area. It's still my hope that Brianna is alive, and we're expending every resource possible to get her back safely.”


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