Los Angeles 7/2/2005 3:00:00 PM
News / Business

Doctors Lambast Shields' Dangerous Position on Paxil

Medical doctors today struck out against the dangerous position actress Brook Shields has taken in promoting the antidepressant Paxil for treatment of post partum depression (PPD). “Ms. Shields does not address the tremendous body of medical opinion against antidepressants being prescribed for PPD, nor does it appear she was medically advised of this. The Food and Drug Administration warns that these drugs can cause hostility, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, and mania, which is a public health warning ignored in recent media coverage,” said Anthony P. Urbanek, M.D., a surgeon from Nashville.

Today, the FDA issued a warning that adults who use the antidepressants could also be at risk of suicidal behavior. After analyzing hundreds of studies, the FDA updated its website with a notice about a higher-than-expected rate of suicide attempts in adults taking the drugs.

Julian Whitaker, M.D., the founder of the Whitaker Wellness Center in California, said, “PPD should be treated as a medical, not psychiatric condition. Add psychiatric drugs to the hormonal imbalance that occurs at birth and you’ve potentially created a time bomb. Texas mother Andrea Yates was prescribed antidepressants for PPD, became psychotic and drowned her five children. New mothers need to be warned of this risk.”

A statement by Edward G. Ezrailson, Ph.D., at the time of Ms. Yates’ trial, warned the drugs she was prescribed caused involuntary intoxication, leading to the murder of her children. Last year, Dena Schlosser, who had been prescribed two psychotropic drugs known to cause violent behavior, killed her 10-month daughter by severing her arms. Since September 2002, the FDA has been issuing more and more warnings about psychiatric drugs, side effects that both psychiatrists and manufacturers have underplayed or withheld. Additional warnings have now been added to antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs and stimulants.

Psychiatrist Nancy Mullan, who practices non-drug alternatives to health care problems, warned, “There is a terrific plummet in hormones when giving birth which needs to be normalized. Blood sugar imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, low adrenal gland function, thyroid imbalance and copper and zinc deficiencies should all be tested for. The last thing you need is an antidepressant masking or messing with this.”

The Physicians Desk Reference also warns that Paxil can be secreted through breast milk.

Ms. Jan Eastgate, International President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a psychiatric watchdog established by the Church of Scientology, says, “This is not a celebrity issue; it’s about the failure of psychiatrists and doctors that have bought into psychiatric marketing of PPD as a mental ‘disorder’ to inform women about the dangers of these drugs despite the FDA issuing very strong drug warnings.”

Published: July 02, 2005
Author: Marla Filidei