Denver, CO 2/1/2008 1:12:11 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Updates Readers About Potential Exposure to Cancer-Causing Dust When Harvesting Firewood in Asbestos-Ridden Areas, your source for everything legal on the web, recently updated its mesothelioma blog to inform readers of the potential for exposure to a deadly and cancer-causing dust when harvesting wood in asbestos-rich areas. A research project conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2006 uncovered asbestos in the Kootenai Forest, which is located approximately 20 miles from Libby, Montana, and was a former site for the mining of vermiculite. This location was also the site of a vermiculite processing facility - vermiculite ore is not always, but can be associated with asbestos contamination through a deposit known as tremolite. The study found that trees that were harvested in the Kootenai National Forest area released amphibole or asbestos fibers when cut down, compared to a control area in Missoula, Mont., which is an area not associated with high levels of asbestos.

Asbestos fibers and dust can be the cause of a lung cancer known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a deadly illness that takes years and, on average, decades to develop. Additionally, mesothelioma cancer is often misdiagnosed and by the time most victims are diagnosed with the illness, it is often beyond the stages of any potential treatments. However, there are potential
mesothelioma treatments available when caught the illness is caught early enough. It is imperative that individuals who feel they may have mesothelioma or have been exposed to asbestos dust seek a mesothelioma doctor as well as an experienced asbestos attorney who can offer insights into potential claims for compensation.

The location used in the EPA's study was near Libby, where the vermiculite mine existed and was owned and operated by W.R. Grace. The company mined for vermiculite from 1963 to 1990, when the mine was closed. Vermiculite has been used in many constructions as well as in everyday products such as soil, fertilizers and attic insulation and is also present in fireproofing materials. While not all vermiculite contains asbestos, when it does, it poses an extremely high risk for exposure to asbestos and eventually results in mesothelioma cancer. Those conducting the study measured the breathing zone and clothing of those harvesting firewood. Researchers found an alarmingly high level of asbestos contamination when the wood was cut down. If you or a loved one feels that they have been exposed to asbestos, contact a
mesothelioma lawyer by using the information site.

Additionally, LegalView hosts information on an array of other legal and medical-related issues affecting millions of Americans everyday. Learn more about illnesses such as mesothelioma, auto accidents, drug recalls or even learn about prescription medications that are making headlines for potential harmful side effects, such as Avandia. Avandia is an oral medication prescribed to those suffering from type 2 diabetes. Studies have recently uncovered that Avandia may increase the risk of heart disease as well as increase the potential for osteoporosis among those taking it. If you are taking or have taken Avandia, it is advisable to contact an Avandia attorney regarding potential
Avandia side effects.

For those who suffer from a high cholesterol count and have taken either Vytorin or Zetia, it is important to contact a
Vytorin lawyer or Zetia law firm after results from a recent study concluded that while Vytorin and Zetia are nearly three times the price of generic brands, they no more effective at preventing the buildup of plaque in arteries. offers information on these issues because many Americans are afflicted with such troubles and often have nowhere to turn. LegalView provides areas of information, jury verdicts, treatment options, news articles and attorney consultations on these issues to help the average citizens.

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