Famous Smoke Shop, the nation's leading retailer of premium handmade cigars online, has published a useful new resource page aimed specifically at new cigar smokers. Titled "The Complete Guide to Cigars," the page, which is also downloadable, helps explain the basics of enjoying premium cigars.
Divided into five sections - History, Parts of a Cigar, Terminology, Shapes and Sizes, and Etiquette. - the Guide is designed to educate cigar shoppers about the history of cigars as well as the key areas that define what premium cigars are all about. Simply put, the no-cost guide provides an easy to digest outline of cigars for beginners.
Among the subjects covered in the Guide are the basic parts of a cigar, including filler leaves, binder leaves, plus a list that defines the most popular wrapper leaves in terms of both type and flavor properties.
The "Terminology" section gives new cigar smokers an at-a-glance look at some very basic cigar terms such as "strength," "flavor," and "aroma."
The "Shapes and Sizes" section offers a detailed list of the myriad cigar shapes, broken down by Parejos (straight-sided cigars) and Figurados (tapered and odd-shaped cigars), including the "traditional" measurements (length and ring gauge) for each respective size. Links to example cigars are also included to better illustrate each shape.
Finally, the "Etiquette" section of the Guide includes information on the "must-have" cigar accessories such as humidors, cutters, and lighters that cigar smokers need to maximize their enjoyment of premium cigars. Additionally, the topics of how to extinguish a cigar, and most importantly, how to relax with a good cigar, are covered.
For those who want to keep "The Complete Guide to Cigars" on their computer desktop or print out a hard copy, the guide can easily be downloaded at this link: http://www.famous-smoke.com/cigars-guide.pdf.
For a complete look at the "complete guide," it can be viewed at this link: http://www.famous-smoke.com/cigars-guide.cfm.
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